Cultura kuntur wasi pdf

Pacopampa ii cultural phase the earlier half of the late formative period, 800500 bc was. Construido en una cima, esta compuesto por plataformas escalonadas, cuartos rectangulares, plaza hundida y estructuras funerarias. Joanne pillsbury, metropolitan museum of art, new york gold objects from kuntur wasi, peru. Kuntur wasi, complejo arqueologico religioso en cajamarca. The discovery of 3000 year old gold objects led to the construction of a museum in the village to protect the site and its portable artifacts. Es generalmente monocroma, en algunas ocasiones es decorado con colores rojo y negroplata. Pdf the manchay culture and the coastal inspiration for highland.

The city of sipan is dated from 50700 ad, the same time as the moche period. Kuntur wasi quechua kuntur condor, wasi house, condor house is the name given to the ruins of a religious center with complex architecture and stone sculptures, located in the andean highlands of peru. Huacaloma 14, and kuntur wasi 15 in the northern highlands. It is believed the inhabitants had a link with the chavin culture.

An annular base or pedestal seemsto be a peculiarity of kuntur wasi. Periodo formativo, jequetepeque, kuntur wasi, cupisnique, chavin. The kuntur wasi phase marked a shift in architecture, with a new largescale architectural complex, stone monoliths, water canals, special burials, and stylistic changes in the ceramic repertoire inokuchi, 2010, inokuchi, 2014, onuki et al. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. The archaeological excavations and the protection of cultural. The archaeological excavations and the protection of. Download or read kuntur wasi y cerro blanco book by clicking button below to visit the book download website. Kuntur wasi is the name given to the ruins of a religious center with complex architecture and stone sculptures, located in the andean highlands of peru. Kuntur wasi is located in the northern mountain range of peru, specifically at the headwaters of the jequetepeque river, in the region of the city of cajamarca near the small town of san pablo.

It is believed the inhabitants had a link with the chavin culture kuntur wasi is located in the northern mountain range of peru, specifically at the headwaters of the jequetepeque river. Ridpaths universal history an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the 14597792787. The archaeological site of kuntur wasi is located in the northern highlands of the peruvian andes. Cultura chavin conoce su influjo en otras culturas. The changes observed in kuntur wasi are reflected in the ceramics, in terms of their style, production and distribution patterns. Pdf ethics and archaeological tourism in latin america. Excavations at the site were carried out by japanese specialists in cooperation with peruvian archaeologists and local villagers. Laicpms and petrography to assess ceramic interaction. The jequetepeque valley provided a transportation corridor between the coastal region and the highlands. Jun 26, 2007 the archaeological site of kuntur wasi is located in the northern highlands of the peruvian andes. Tokyo expedition from tomb 5 at kuntur wasi, jequetepeque valley, in the northern highlands of peru. Overlaps with the highland andean formative tradition and precedes the andean regional development period. Corrupcion y modernidad aplastan a las comunidades, aplastan a nuestra cultura. Given in both the kuntur wasi and pacopampa cases, the intensity of research at kuntur wasi, the re there was evidence for earlier cultural develop sulting.

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